Saturday 12 February 2011

Saturday late afternoon

All the guests have gone. The house, which was ringing with love and laughter, is now silent again. The tables are cleared and the dishwasher is fulfilling its prime directive. I have a clean, tidy house (well, apart from my bedroom) and there's a very restful feeling in the air. On the table is a pretty pot containing three hyacinths, a gift from a friend, which will be scenting the air beautifully in a few days and, when planted in the garden after the leaves have died back, will give me great pleasure for years to come. The hyacinth bulbs, I mean, not the pot! :0)

The tear and share cheese and onion bread, made last weekend and frozen, was the hit of the meal, definitely one to make again, without a doubt. I think next time I will add some garlic puree as well. Frozen in small amounts for convenient use, it will be scrummy with pizza, lasagna or bolognaise.

So now I am looking forward to a quiet, restful evening. Judging by the amount of food left over, I will not need to cook for a few days to come, even after sharing some with DD. I bought the Times this morning, so I'm looking forward to a leisurely read, accompanied by a glass of nice red and some home made sponge cake. Lovely!

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