Monday 6 February 2012


My home is generally a warm home.  It has efficient and effective heating.  It does feel cold at the moment, perhaps because it is so damp and raw outside.  When I've finished this I will snuggle down under my fleecy blanket in front of the telly and, probably, go to sleep.  Thinking about it, it would probably save time if I just go straight to bed, wouldn't it?

There was great excitement in school today as playtime neared.  The edict was that if you had wellies (or similar) you could go out and play on the field.  Of course the field was a virgin waste of snow, untrodden, unspoilt.  Until playtime, that is!  Of course, they got cold, wet, snow down their boots, socks/tights damp or worse and mildly masochistic little boy asked me, if his boots and socks were still damp at lunchtime, please could he go out in bare feet? 

I'm a right spoilsport, so I am!!

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