Friday 20 November 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.  I was up early today having had a great night's sleep.  It's cold out there but doesn't feel that bad because there's little or no wind which makes a big difference.
Much needed!
Yesterday didn't start all that well as I had a 'reaction' to something, goodness knows what, but it was hay fever with a vengeance - coughing, sneezing itchy eyes, throat, nose, pressure behind the eyes and so on.  However, as I do get hay fever I always have some anti sneezy stuff on hand so I popped a pill and gradually returned to normal again, feeling very thankful for my box of tissues.  I was a bit wiped out for the rest of the day though as Jen (my guest) will confirm.  Very rude of me to snooze while I have a guest but Jen feels more like family so it was OK!

Jen and I had a session with her little sewing machine and now she knows how to use it.  Beth came over and started on a rainbow table runner for a friend.  I made sweet potato and lentil soup which was really delicious (so the recipe in in t'other blog) and three loaves of bread.  So we have all been creative in our own way.  Today I hope to show Jen how to make a fabric gift bag and the soup will be butternut squash soup!

Dinner was rather nice.  I made a chicken pasta bake and it worked very well, so I will blog about that as well.  Dessert was an plum and apple with star anise crumble and that was also pretty yum!

I haven't posted about my food for a while - I rather got out of the habit, I think.
Breakfast:  probably bacon sarnie
L:unch:  roasted butternut soup and fresh bread
Dinner:  Yesterday's lefttovers:  chicken pasta, sweetcorn, plum and apple crumble.  And very nice too!

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