Sunday 17 July 2016


Doh - how dopey can I get?

After going on about the reduced electricity use, I logged into my bank account yesterday as I usually do and saw that the electricity payment had gone out.  I went into my document to log it as paid and thought 'Oh, it's gone up, why has it gone up?'  It wasn't until I opened a letter which said it was refunding my credit for this year that I realised that the amount I thought was a debit was actually a credit.

As I said - doh!

Moving swiftly on, today looks like being a lovely summer day, just as yesterday turned out to be.  Warm, sunny and with a gentle breeze that set the wind chimes singing from time to time.  I've just given the plants their early drink and it feels lovely.  Not warm but not cold either, just nice and fresh.

Unfortunately, I think the pollen count is high.  After being outside my eyes are streaming and I've turned disgustingly drippy!  Better take the tablet, quick!

Yesterday I finished the peg bag I have made to a customer order and tomorrow I will post it off.  I adapted the one I made for myself that was the first bit of quilting I had ever done and I'm really pleased with it!  I hope B is too.

Today I want to start on a quilted bag that my Mum asked us to make.  It has to be wide enough to accommodate her longest knitting needles so it will be just over 15" wide and 4" deep and as for the height- well, we will see where the pattern takes me!  I think I will make self-coloured handles rather than webbing handles and, as we have a lot of blue, that will be the colour.  Plenty of lovely prints to chose from there.

Unfortunately, our rotary cutter is knackered.  I have ordered replacement blades but I think it will be hand cutting using scissors which is more laborious and less straight but there you go!  It's my fault.  I ordered a scissor and knife sharpening stone because our scissors are also less sharp than I would like them to be.  It's worked wonders on the scissors but when I tried it on the (already pretty blunt anyway, to be fair) rotary cutter the results were less than helpful!

I'm not sure if Beth is coming over.  She and Al are both unwell with nasty 'summer' colds.  I might have the day to myself again.

Today's food:
B:  bran flakes with sultanas, apple
L: slice gala pie, salad, orange
D:  flat iron steak, a few wedges, a side salad AND - two runner beans.  Yes, two runners are ready to pick, just two.  Nowhere near enough for a portion so I will probably have them as a sort of mini starter, just to celebrate the first picking of the year!

Have a lovely Sunday.

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